AIPT Comics

The Batman chat and unpacking ‘Sort of Super’ with Eric Gapstur

Episode Summary

The Batman is on everyone's minds this week, so Dave and Nathan kick off the AIPT Comics podcast discussing the film. Did we like it? Special guest Eric Gapstur also joins the show to discuss his upcoming graphic novel Sort of Super out on March 22nd!

Episode Notes


Our Top Books of the Week


  1. Batman: Killing Time (2022) #1 (Tom King, David Marquez)
  2. Rogue Sun (Ryan Parrott, Abel)


  1. One-Star Squadron #4 (Mark Russell, Steve Lieber)
  2. Batman: Killing Time #1  (Tom King, David Marquez)

Standout KAPOW moment of the week:

Nathan - Batman: Killing Time #1  (Tom King, David Marquez)

Dave - Avengers Forever #3 (Jason Aaron, Aaron Kuder)



Segment: Eric Gapstur - Sort of Super

  1. Sort of Super is such a fun premise especially for superhero fans who like secret identities and young characters gaining powers, where did the idea start for this project?
  2. What are some of the superheroes you grew up with you loved the most?
  3. You've done work at Image and DC Comics, and this is your first graphic novel, was there any surprises good or bad that you encountered with the project?
  4. What made Simon and Schuster the right publisher for this project?
  5. My day job is actually working for a PreK and K non-profit and I was curious, for a kids focused story like this do you think about language, or vocabulary you might use to help kids with their reading?
  6. I love the art style in this, and it had a easy going yet approachable vibe similar to Calvin and Hobbes for me, what went into the look you were going for in this series?
  7. It's way too early to be talking sequels, but i love the title so much if you were to riff off this title do you have any titles in mind? Sorta-Kinda Super comes to mind.
  8. Scenario question, you're at your table at the next big convention, a kiddo walks over in the Wyatt Flynn's costume, what do you do?
  9. What do you like to do while drawing, do you play music or have something on TV going?
  10. Are there any comics you're reading right now?