AIPT Comics
Steve Orlando joins the show to talk launching YA series, new Marvel and more
Episode Summary
This week writer Steve Orlando joins the show to discuss his new series Starward at Heavy Metal Magazine. The third chapter appears in next week's Heavy Metal Magazine in a planned 11 chapter series. We also discuss his other YA book Rainbow Bridge, his various indie comics work, the upcoming IDW Transformers series King Grimlock, next week's Extreme Carnage: Phage, and more!
Episode Notes
Visit our Patreon page to see the various tiers you can sign up for today to get in on the ground floor of AIPT Patreon. We hope to see you chatting with us in our Discord soon!
- DC Comics artist Robson Rocha has passed way
- Skybound sets July 17-18 for Xpo II convention
- AfterShock Comics announces 100th comic title ‘Campisi: The Dragon Incident’
- DC Comics releases their solicitations
- Harvey Awards Announced
Our Top Books of the Week
- Iron Man (2020) #10 (W: Christopher Cantwell, A: Cafu)
- Spider-Woman (2020) #13 (W: Karla Pacheco, A: Pere Perez)
Standout KAPOW moment of the week:
Dave - probably Spider-Woman #13!
- Dave: Moon Knight #1 (Hotz)
- Nathan: Superman & The Authority #1
Segment: Interview: Steve Orlando
- Steve, thanks for joining the AIPT comics podcast for the third time! You’ve been very busy with superhero work, indie works at AfterShock and Image, and Starward at Heavy Metal with the 3rd chapter coming next week in Heavy Metal do you keep up?
- Was the pandemic a reason why you could get more stuff done?
- How does it feel to be writing Heavy Metal’s first YA series? Do you have any personal connection to Heavy Metal?
- I love how this story mixes dark sci-fi/fantasy with a Magical Girl story. Where did the inspiration come from to marry these different elements?
- Obviously we don’t want to spoil anything, but what can we expect from the other Starward Sisters whom we’ve yet to officially meet?
- This isn’t your only YA title coming out, you also have the Rainbow Bridge OGN out in August, did you work on both titles at the same time?
- Do you need to get into a different mindset when scripting YA vs. superhero or indie work?
- Curse of Man-Thing is collected August 4 (and AIPT was quoted on the cover), you’ve got Commanders in Crisis, Steward, Project Patron, and Darkhold coming this September...that’s a lot of content, I was curious about your writing process. How long does it take you to write a script?
- Since you have Extreme Carnage: Phage out next week, is he your favorite Symbiote?
- What comics are you reading right now?
Off Topic Top Shelf: Steve Orlando - Sting - Janet Kahn In Your Space
August 21st weekend Third Eye Comics - Extreme Carnage signing